Pedestrian Control
Due to the Covid-19 global pandemic controlling the flow of pedestrians has evolved. Now pedestrian access not only requires security clearance but also mask wearing, hand sanitization and body temperature checks. Touch free entry and autorisation is now possible, paired with fast and secure Magnetic FlowMotion® gates building receptions have never looked better.
Public Buildings
The Magnetic FlowMotion® series provides visitors with a friendly reception, reliably guiding them into the building, and registering attendance and access authorisation in passing. The FlowMotion® products are designed for high user volumes thanks to rapid opening and closing cycles and designed for 10,000,000 cycles.
Getting masses of people into a stadium safely, securely and reliably sounds like a difficult task. With the correct stadium designed turnstiles this is achievable in record time.
Site Perimeter
Full height turnstiles can keep a site perimeter secured whilst allowing single staff entry. They can also be paired with pedestrian gates for moving larger items through or if an emergency site evacuation is required.